December is a month for good cheer. That’s why we at Tall Oaks Apartment Homes in Laurel, Maryland have multiple feel-good events going on for this month.
So what’s going on for our residents this December 2016?
- Tall Oaks Toy Drive
- Donations for Laurel Advocacy
- Kids Holiday Movie Night (featuring Letters to Santa)
- Candy Cane Giveaway
Let’s dive in!
Tall Oaks Toy Drive
In our continuous efforts to give back to the community, this month we will be hosting a toy drive for the homeless shelter. We will be accepting new, unwrapped toy donations up until December 20th. We encourage our residents to participate in this charity event and hope you will all open your hearts to the cause and help us help those in need this holiday season.
Please drop off all donations to the leasing office. We are open Sunday – Saturday.
Laurel Advocacy Donations
In addition to the toy drive, we will also be accepting check and money donations for Laurel Advocacy. If you would like to make a donation, please do so by bringing your generosity to the donation box in the leasing office. Donations must be in by December 20th, the box will be dropped off to the charity on December 21st.
Kids Holiday Movie Night
If you or your neighbors have young children, bring them on down to the clubhouse Friday, December 16 for a Holiday Movie Night!
Movie Night will also feature the opportunity for the kids to write their very own letters to Santa Claus.
If you’re on Facebook, let us know your kids will be participating in this resident appreciation event by “liking” our Kids Holiday Movie Night Facebook Event.
Candy Cane Giveaway
Happy December
We at Hirschfeld Apartment Homes in Maryland hope all our residents enjoy this joyous time of year. If you’re looking for more ways to get into the holiday spirit, we hear Baltimore has some amazing light displays! Some which are even FREE.
If you are a Tall Oaks resident, we ask that you please take a moment to like our Facebook page. This will allow you to stay up to date with all resident events and happenings in the Laurel, Maryland area. Plus, share photos, comment, and like photos with your fellow neighbors. #ThisIsYourCommunity
⭐️⭐️ Update:
A great BIG thanks to all our residents who came out to enjoy December’s events. Thank you for all the donations and thank you for really making the holidays something special! ❤️