Anyone out there brave enough for Black Friday shopping?
Yup, it’s that time of year again, and major retailers are already rolling out the sales for the holiday shopping season.
However, in order to take advantage you need to have a game plan. Therefore, this article shares the best tips on how to prepare for Black Friday mania.
How To Make The Most Out Of Black Friday
1. Prepare in Advance for Simplification on the actual Day
This is a great time to scout out shopping centers and understand parking.
2. Do the Research
There are lots of sites available and ready to help you find your best Black Friday deals. One of the best is So check the big sites regularly to see what new deals are being offered.
3. Browse the Deals Before you go
Compare prices before you head out – check out the app “Smoopa” if you need some assistance comparing. However, sometimes the best results can be found by simply typing your item into Google, and clicking on “Shopping.” Price comparison at your fingertips.
4. Bring ads with you
Another great option here is to download the app from our local news station WMAR. Just type in “WMAR” into your app store and you will have access to dozens of flyers at the touch of a button. All of the flyers are relevant here to our local Baltimore stores.

5. Protect Yourself
Unfortunately with all of this spending, hackers and thieves are extremely active and working overtime. Try to protect yourself and use your debit card as rarely as possible. Consider carrying cash, but stash your money in a place where you are safe from pickpockets. Keep in mind stores are very crowded, so bumping into each other can be overlooked. You will want to have your cash safely on you or in a cross-body purse or messenger bag with cash in a pocket that buttons to protect against thieves or even accidental loss. Here are some more great safety tips for holiday shopping.
6. Stay Focused
Remember what you are shopping for, ’tis the season of giving. Don’t be a jerk and run people over, or push and shove. 🙂 Yes, others will do it to you, rise above.
Happy Shopping
We at Hirschfeld Apartment Homes in Maryland, hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving. Make sure you take time to enjoy the holiday before rushing right off to the shopping malls.
For our Eagles Walk and Ridge View residents, keep an eye out for the holiday sales going on all month lng at the Avenue at White Marsh.
Enjoy the Turkey and shop safe!