Community Yard Sale Recap


Storage Bins Were a Huge Hit at the Community Yard Sale

The Community Yard Sale held at Steeplechase Apartment Homes in Cockeysville, MD on August 23, 2014 was lots of fun!  This event included over 6 tables worth of items for sale from our current residents.  All of the items were in great condition and was very appealing to the buyers.  Speaking of buyers, we had over 80 people show up to peruse the goods!  There were a wide variety of items for sale including unworn clothing, jewelry, purses, storage bins (which were a HUGE hit) and all different types of household items.  Our staff was on hand and provided donuts for the residents who were selling goods. [Read more…]

Facebook BINGO

Top 7 Reasons Why we Loved Facebook BINGO!

Based on all of the feedback we received, Facebook BINGO was lots of fun for our residents and a huge success all around! We would like to say a heartfelt Thank You to all who joined in on the game, commented on our Facebook pages and kept us updated on your BINGO status. We had such a great time with this contest and thanks to your amazing participation, we’re thinking that we just might do another round of Facebook BINGO in the future!

1) Our residents rock, seriously they are the best!

2) We enjoyed seeing our residents interact with each other and with us (more on that in a moment) on Facebook!

Hirschfeld_apartment_homes_Facebook_BINGO_B4_April_2014.23) We have to admit, it was tons of fun spinning the BINGO wheel! [Read more…]